Stamp Duty Computation for 1 year tenancy: (monthly rent x 12 – 2400) / 250 For example if the monthly rental is RM8,000: (8000 x 12 – 2400) / 250 = RM374.40 Stamp Duty Computation for 2 years tenancy: 2 x (monthly rent x 12 – 2400) / 250 For example if the monthly rental…
Faq Group
TAX RATE FOR YEAR OF ASSESSMENT 2020 REAL PROPERTY GAINS TAX (RPGT) RATES The RPGT Rates is as set out in Schedule 5 of the RPGT Act as follows: DISPOSAL PERIOD TAX RATE FOR YEAR OF ASSESSMENT 2020 PART I PART II PART III Other than Part II and Part III [eg: individual, partnership, executor…
The legal fees payable to a lawyer acting for you when you buy a property is calculated based on the purchase price as follows: For the first RM150,000, the legal fees payable is 1% For the next RM850,000, the legal fees payable is 0.7% For the next RM2,000,000, the legal fees payable is 0.6% For…
PROPOSED BUDGET 2020:- To reduce supply of overhang condominiums and apartments, the Government proposes to lower the threshold on high rise property prices in urban areas for foreign ownership from RM1 million to RM600,000 effective 2020.